Saturday, 2 July 2011

Plant III& IV

Beautiful yellow flowers from my courgette-plants. Instead of going to the supermarket if I need a courgette for my pasta I open the door to my balcony and cut the biggest courgette. Every day I see the plants grow, flowers blossom and I get regular visits from bees and other flying insects. Such a delight!
And I guess my weekend will be filled with making courgette-soup, carrot/courgette-muffins, grilled courgette etc. Cause they grow like crazy! Some good music from Trevor Moss and Hannah Lou while im in the kitchen grating the courgette.... have a good weekend!


  1. moooooi! weet je dat je die bloemen ook kan eten?
    In Italiƫ frituren ze ze vaak, heeerlijk
